ADAMS, Cleve. CONTRABAND. NY: Knopf [1950]. 240pp, boards, d/j. *** 1st Ed. A novel about cocaine smuggling by one of the leaders of the "hard-boiled detective" school. Some soiling to front panel. $35 AGEYEV, M. NOVEL WITH COCAINE. Trans. Michael Henry Heim. NY: Dutton [1984]. 204pp, cloth-backed boards, d/j. *** 1st Ed. in English of a novel by an unidentified Russian émigré originally published in French in 1936. "A diabolical account of a young man's coming of age and eventual degradation through sex and cocaine, set in Moscow just before the Revolution" (jacket notes). $40 ALD, Roy. THE MAN WHO TOOK TRIPS: A True Experience in Another Dimension. [NY}: Delacorte [1971]. 245pp, cloth, dd/j. *** 1st Ed. A little-known metaphysical science fiction novel, where the hero enters another reality by virtue of LSD. $45
ALLEN, James Lane. THE REIGN OF LAW: A TALE OF THE KENTUCKY HEMP FIELDS. NY: Macmillan, 1900. 12mo, 383pp, 9 plates (3 showing the harvesting of hemp), orig. red cloth with cannabis plants in green (leaves) and silver (seeds) decorating front cover and spine, gilt lettering. *** 1st Ed., 1st Issue. Novel about the Kentucky hemp industry at the turn of the century, in the only recorded marijuana binding prior to the 1960s. $50 ANDERSON, Chester. THE BUTTERFLY KID. NY: Pyramid [1967]. 190pp, massmarket pb. *** 1st Ed. (PBO).. The consummate hippie science fiction novel. The author, founder of the legendary Haight-Ashbury communications company, poses with a hash pipe on the rear wrapper. $35
[ARTAUD, Antonin] "Au pays des Taramuharas" in: La Nouvelle Revue Francaise (Aug. 1937). Whole number in orig. wrappers (spine slightly torn--no loss). *** 1st Ptg. of two portions ("La Montagne des Signes" and "La Danse du Peyotl") of Artaud's account of his transformative journey to Mexico in 1936. $125 [ARTAUD] Two sections from On a Journey to the Land of the Taramuharas ("The Mountains of Signs" and "Peyote Dance") in: Transition, no. 48, pts. 1 & 2 (Paris, 1948). 2 vols. *** 1st Edition in English. $100 [ARTAUD] "Le pays des Rois Mages" and "Une Race-Principe" in Les Lettres Nouvelle (March 1953). *** 1st ptg. (?) of 2 further sections of Voyage au pays des Taramuhara. Also contains poetry by mescalin-experimenter Henri Michaux and a review of the original production of Waiting for Godot. $45 ARTAUD, Antonin. THE PEYOTE DANCE. Translated by Helen Weaver. NY: FS&G [1976]. 105pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Edition in English, HB Issue. Autobiographical account of the author's transformative peyote experiences with the Taramuhara Indians in 1936. $65 BATHURST, Bill. JAKE. Green River, VT: Longhouse, 1989. 8 leaves printed on both sides, photo-offset from type, stapled and folded once to fit in a printed envelope with bears the words: "Dealing drugs is like most legitimate business, a low and shameful endeavor." *** 1st Ed., ltd. to 200 copies. Author's memoir of his life as a dealer. $30 BERGER, Barbara. THE JOURNEY. Malmo [1968]. 12mo, 137pp, illus. wraps. *** 1st Ed. of the travel journal of an American hash-loving Ivy School drop out on the international hippie trail, ending up in Sweden where she published this book. No. U.S. ed., very scarce. $60 BLUM, Ralph. OLD GLORY AND THE REAL-TIME FREAKS. NY: Delacorte [1972]. 8vo, 206pp, half cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. Jacket copy says the author was a paid volunteer in 1954 LSD experiments, and the subject figures in the novel, which stars a doper Holden Caulfield. Author later started the Rune craze. $40 BOYLE, T. Coraghessan. BUDDING PROSPECTS: A Pastoral. NY: Viking [1984]. 326pp, half cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed., sgd. by the author. One of the finest novels about marijuana cultivation published to date. The setting is Willits, CA. $125 BRADDON, Russell. THE INSEPARABLES. London: :New English Library [1970]. 125pp, sm. pb wraps. *** 1st PB Ed. (orig. pub. 1968]. A novel on the theme of recreating the Nazi death camp experiences through the use of LSD, undertaken by a young German to discover his parents' secrets. Not pub. in U.S. $35 BREMSER, Ray. POEMS OF MADNESS. [NY]: Paperbook Gallery, 1965. 18mo, 31pp, wraps, stapled. *** 1st Ed. of poet's first book, inscribed. Allen Ginsberg's introduction refers to Bremser's numerous marijuana arrests which lead him to flee to Mexico with author-wife Bonnie. $90 BREMSER. ANGEL. Intro. Lawrence Ferlinghetti. NY: Tompkins Square Press [1967]. 18mo, 62pp, illus. cloth, orig. glassine wrapper. *** 1st Ed., one of 1000 copies. Wild prose poem about jail, jazz and marijuana, written in one night in prison. $50 BROWN, Kenneth. A TIGER IN THE HAIGHT-ASHBURY. NY: Caravelle [1967]. 190pp, sm. pb wraps. *** 1st Ed. (PBO). Mystery novel set in the San Francisco hippie underworld--an early use of this setting. A couple of cover creases. $35 BURROUGHS, William S. DEAD FINGERS TALK. London: Calder [1963]. 215pp, boards, dust jacket (by Ian Sommerville) . *** 1st Ed. Only 4,000 copies printed. Burroughs wove writings from his earlier novels together with new material to create this novel, his first book published in the U.K. Not published in the U.S. One closed tear and a few tiny chips in top edge of jacket. M&M A7 $225 BURROUGHS. NAKED LUNCH. NY: Grove [1966]. Small pb, 255pp, wraps. *** 1st U.S. PB Ed., with the addition of "Naked Lunch on Trial," an expanded version of the account of the Boston trial that had earlier appeared in Evergreen Review. M&M A2d. $25 BURROUGHS. THE TICKET THAT EXPLODED. NY: Grove [1964]. 217pp, cloth, d/j (price-clipped). *** 2nd Ed., revised (1st U.S. Ed.). A re-arrangement of the original Olympia Press 1962 edition, with additions and expansions, and an new added text, "The Invisible Generation." $60 BURROUGHS. JUNNKIE [sic]. Tokyo: Shichosha Publishers, 1967. 18mo, 227pp, silver wrappers with beautiful line drawing of a hallucinatory opium dream and vignette of the poppy. *** 1st Ed. in Japanese, trans. by Nobuo Ayukawa. Copy belonging to Howard Brooker, who made a highly-acclaimed documentary film about WSB. M&M D41. $75 (BURROUGHS) Press kit for the film version of Naked Lunch. Hollywood: 20th Century Fox, 1991. *** Includes 42pp background of the making of the movie and 8 glossy stills from the production, including one of Burroughs with the director David Cronenberg and the actor who played him, Peter Weller. This "free adaptation" of Burroughs' most famous novel focuses on the novelist's life as a writer. It is one of the best adaptations of a novel for the screen in recent memory. $65
BURROUGHS, Jr., William. SPEED. Intro. Allen Ginsberg. [NY]: Olympia Press [1970]. Sm.pb, 191pp, wrappers illustrated with an Ira Cohen photo. *** 1st Ed. (PB Orig.). Autobiographical first novel set in NYC "inside the methedrine universe" (Ginsberg). Kearney, p. 22. $45
BURROUGHS, Jr. KENTUCKY HAM. NY: Dutton [1973]. 8vo, 194pp, printed boards, dust jacket. *** 1st Ed., Continuation of the author's descent into drug addiction which lands him in the federal narcotics prison in Lexington, KY. $50
BUSKIRK, Alden Van. LAMI. Intro. Allen Ginsberg. SF: Auerhahn Press, 1965. Large 8vo, 91pp, wraps. 1st Ed., one of 1,000 copies. The only book by this poet who died at 21. $40 CHARBONNEAU, Louis. PSYCHEDELIC-40. NY: Bantam [1965]. 184pp, sm. pb wraps. *** 1st Ed. (PBO). "Psychedelic-40 was Psi-40, the drug that gave The Syndicate its power and the people their pleasure" (cover blurb) This appears to be the first novel with the term "psychedelic" in the title. Upper part of spine shows wear. $35
"CLARK, Janet." THE FANTASTIC LODGE: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A GIRL DRUG ADDICT. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1961. 265pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. One of the most compelling drug confessions in modern literature, produced from taped interviews conducted by famed sociologist of the "outsider" culture, Howard Becker. The pseudonymous author, who died before the book was published, was deeply involved in the jazz and junk subculture of the late '40s and '50s. $50
COHEN, Ira. POEMS FROM THE COSMIC CRYPT. Kathmandu: Kali Press/ Bardo Matrix, 1976. 4to, 91pp printed on rice paper, 7 tipped-in plates by Petra Vogt, cloth, printed label. *** 1st Ed., ltd. to 500 copies signed by the author. Mystical poems informed by majoon and opium, from the famous underground press. Fore-edge stain, else near fine. $75 COOPER, Clarence. THE FARM. London: Blond [1968]. 168pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st UK Ed. (US Ed. 1967). The title refers to the Federal Narcotics Prison in Lexington, Kentucky where some prisoners were dosed repeatedly with LSD in CIA experiments. An acclaimed novel. $50 CORLEY, Edwin. ACAPULCO GOLD. NY: Dodd, Mead [1972]. 329pp, half cloth d/j. *** 1st Ed. A novel about the corporate race to market marijuana undertaken by the big tobacco companies after legalization. Jacket art depicts a pack of the Acapulco Gold brand cigarettes with warning label. Slight spine fade to jacket. $45 CRADDOCK, William J. BE NOT CONTENT: A SUBTERRANEAN JOURNAL. Garden City: Doubleday, 1970. 336pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. One of the finest drug novels of the era, set in the Haight-Ashbury during the 1960s. Very scarce in hardcover. $125 CRADDOCK. TWILIGHT CANDELABRA. Garden City: Doubleday, 1972. 214pp, wraps. *** 1st Ed. A brilliant sequel to Be Not Content, featuring an extended ayahuasca trip. Light reading crease near spine of front cover. Not issued hardcover. $75 CURTIS, Jack. EAGLES OVER BIG SUR. Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1981. 144pp, wraps. *** 1st Ed., signed and inscribed. Novel about marijuana growing in Big Sur. $30 DAVIS, Grania. DR. GRASS. NY: Avon [1978]. 206pp, sm. pb wraps. *** 1st Ed. (PBO). Novel about a hip doctor "who uses herbs Granny never dreamed of "practicing medicine in the Haight-Ashbury during the early '70s. Reading crease in spine. $35 DISEND, Michael. STOMPING THE GOYIM. NY: Croton Press, 1969. 140pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. One of the greatest novels of the '60s underground, set in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Praised by Burroughs, whose style it resembles ("That peyote slop will steal the eyeballs out of your head"). $50 DREISER, Theodore. PLAYS OF THE NATURAL AND SUPERNATURAL. NY: John Lane, 1916. 228pp, printed boards, cloth spine with paper label. *** 1st Ed., 1st Issue. Contains the play "Laughing Gas," in which the main character trips out under the effects of nitrous oxide. A real departure from the realistic novels Dreiser was famous for. Slight wear to the spine label, else fine. $75 ELLSON, Hal. DUKE. NY: Scribners [1959]. 8vo, 170pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. of the first book by the writer who pioneered the teen gang novel. Ellson was a "recreational therapist" specializing in juvenile delinquency who popularized the teen criminal prototype; his characters always used marijuana and sometimes hard drugs. There are a dozen terms pertaining to marijuana use in the glossary, as well as references to morphine, heroin and cocaine. $150 ELLSON. TOMBOY. NY: Scribners [1950]. 8vo, 215, cloth,d/j. *** 1st Ed. of the author's second novel. The title character is the female counterpart to Duke. $100. FARINA, Jenny. A CHEMICAL ROMANCE. London: Tally, Franklin [1971]. 175pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. Sequel to her first novel, Groupie, with the emphasis shifting from rock 'n roll to sex 'n drugs. Not published in U.S. $65
FAHEY, Todd Brendan. WISDOM'S MAW.: THE ACID NOVEL. Lafayette, LA: Far Gone Books [1995]. 223pp, psychedelic design wraps. *** 1st Ed., signed by the author. A novelization of Acid Dreams. $30
FARRERE, Claude. BLACK OPIUM. SF: And/Or Press, 1974. 264pp, plates by Alexander King, sm. thick pb wraps. *** Facsimile ed. from the first edition (1929) but in smaller format. New intro. by Michael Horowitz and 7pp. of illus. from opium literature. One of only two published "Ludlow Hip Pocket Editions." $35
FINE, Ralph Adam. MARY JANE VERSUS PENNSYLVANIA. NY: McCoy [1970]. 154pp, cloth, d/j (price-clipped). *** 1st Ed. Subtitled, "The Day the Supreme Court Heard the Arguments For and Against the Legalization of Marijuana." Jacket depicts cannabis growing through cracks in the Liberty Bell. Light soiling to jacket and a few spots of rubbing. $35 GELBER, Jack. THE CONNECTION. NY: Grove [1960]. 96pp, photo-stills, wraps. *** 1st Ed. One of the greatest plays ever written on the theme of drug addiction, originally produced by the Living Theatre. $60 GIBSON,William. COUNT ZERO. London: Gollancz, 1986. 269pp, boards, d/j. *** 1st Ed., inscribed by the author with a witty drawing of a "primitive bompwomp." The author's second novel. $300 GIBSON. BURNING CHROME. NY: Arbor House [1986]. Preface by Bruce Sterling. 200pp, half cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed., inscribed on the half title with a comic drawing ("Global Head") and "Do Mondo U4foria." Gibson's first collection of short stores, ten in all including "Johnny Mnemonic," the source of an underrated film by Robert Longo. $300 GIBSON. MONA LISA OVERDRIVE. London: Gollancz, 1988. 251pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed., inscribed by the author with a self-portrait in caricature. "The final novel in Gibson's 'cyberspace' sequence" (cover copy). $300 (GIBSON) STERLING, Bruce (ed.). MIRRORSHADES: THE CYBERPUNK ANTHOLOGY. NY: Arbor House [1986]. 239pp, half cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed of the seminal cyberpunk anthology, boldly signed by Gibson at the head of his piece. Gibson's contribution is "The Gernsbach Continuum"; other contributors include Rucker, Shirley and Sterling, who also contributed a major essay on the Cyberpunk Movement. $100 (GIBSON) Mississippi Review nos. 47/48. 288pp, wraps. *** Hattiesburg: U. So. Miss. [1988]. *** 1st Ed., signed by Gibson The most ambitious anthology to date re: the cyberpunk movement. Contributors includes Gibson ("The Smoke") and also an interview, chapters by Rucker, Delany and Disch, and Timothy Leary's "The Cyberpunk: The Individual as Reality-Pilot." $100
GINSBERG, Allen. WALES - A VISITATION JULY 29th 1967. London: Cape Goliard Press, 1968. Oblong 12mo, wrappers with printed rice paper dust wrapper. *** 1st Ed., one of 200 copies hors commerce ("not for sale"), inscribed by the author to poet-publisher Allen DeLoach. One of the author's great drug poems, written on LSD. Morgan A13.a1. $250
GRAVES, Robert. OXFORD ADDRESSES ON POETRY. London: Cassell [1962]. 141pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. Beat Zen poet Philip Whalen's copy, with his dated signature (Kyoto 1969) on front endpaper. In "The Poet's Paradise" Graves discusses the central place of psilocybe mushrooms in Western Civilization, and his own experience with them in Wasson's NY apartment. $100
GYSIN, Brion. THE PROCESS. London: Cape [1970]. 353pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st UK Ed. Gysin's only novel, a hallucinatory journey through North Africa fueled by kif. Spine slightly sun-faded. $100 GYSIN. HERE TO GO: PLANET R-101. Interview by Terry Wilson, introduction and additional texts by William S. Burroughs. London: Quartet Books [1985]. 280pp, illus. with photos of the author and friends, boards, d/j. *** 1st UK Ed. Reveals in all its complexity the extraordinary mind of the artist-writer who frequently collaborated with Burroughs. $50
HORN, Richard. ENCYCLOPEDIA. NY: Grove [1969]. 157pp, half cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed., Review Copy with slip tipped in. Experimental novel of the Greenwich Village counterculture, told in the form of encyclopedia entries (including slogan buttons such as "Hands Off Tim Leary" and "LSD NOT LBJ." $50
HUXLEY. EILAND. Munich: Piper [1973]. 344pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. in German of Island. Jacket has a few tears and a chip affecting one letter of author's name. $25 (JUVENILE DRUG BOOK) GIBSON, Sylvia Scott. LATAWNYA, THE NAUGHTY HORSE, LEARNS TO SAY "NO" TO DRUGS. NY: Vantage [1991]. 35pp, 12 illus., cloth, d/j/. *** 1st Ed., signed by the author. Drug-using horses seduce the curious, weak-willed Latawnya into substance abuse. $30 (JUVENILE DRUG BOOK) HYLES, Dr. Jack. SATAN'S BID FOR YOUR CHILD. Hammond, IN: Hyles-Anderson [1971]. 28pp, wraps. depicting a toddler about to pet a snake. *** 1st Ed. The author, a Baptist minister, warns against narcotics, sex, rock music and books like Catcher in the Rye. $20 (JUVENILE DRUG BOOK) MERRITT, Jane Hamilton. LAHU WILDFIRE. NY: Scribner's [1973]. 144pp, illus., cloth, d/j *** 1st Ed. A 15-year-old SE Asian boy's tribe secretly grows opium to support itself. Poppy illustrations throughout, and on color cover. Remarkable subject matter for a juvenile. $40 KEYES, Thom. ALL NIGHT STAND. NY: SIMON & SCHUSTER [1966]. 220pp, cloth, d/j (price-clipped). *** 1st U.S. Ed. Possibly the first novel to deal with the world of British pop-rock. The Score is virtually interchangeable with the Stones and the Beatles. $35 LAMANTIA, Philip. EKSTASIS. SF: Auerhahn Press, 1959. Sm. 12mo, [45]pp, wraps. *** 1st Ed. of the poet's second book, limited to 950 copies. Contains the great opium poem, "Interior Suck of the Night." White wrappers show no soiling. $125 LAMANTIA. DESTROYED WORKS. [SF]: Auerhahn Press, 1962. Sm. 4to, 50pp, cover photo of a "lost" collage by Bruce Conner on wrappers. *** 1st Ed., limited to 1,250 copies. Contains almost as many opium and heroin poems as his legendary Narcotica. $90 (LEARY, TIMOTHY). LARNER, Jeremy. THE ANSWER. NY: Macmillan [1968]. 216pp, half cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. Satirical novel featuring Timothy Leary, herein called Dr. Magus Tyrtan, Millbrook being Heavenly House, and LSD the "Answer Drug." $40 LENNON, John; KENNEDY, Adrienne; SPINETTI, Victor. THE LENNON PLAY: IN HIS OWN WRITE. NY: Simon & Schuster [1968]. 35pp, illus. cloth, issued without d/j. *** 1st U.S. Ed. Play based on his popular book. $60 LORD, Graham. MARSHMALLOW PIE. NY: Coward McCann [1970]. 190pp, cloth, d.j. ***1st U.S. Ed. A mystery novel set in swinging '60s London. A guru named Sergeant Pepper has the formula for a powerful new drug (ZQ5) that has properties resembling what we now call MDMA. $35 LLOYD, John Uri. ETIDORHPA OR THE END OF EARTH. NY: Dodd, Mead [1901]. 375pp, 27 plates, vignette pasted to front of original red cloth cover. *** 11th [i.e., 2nd] & Definitive Edition with three added chapters, a revised table of contents, and other revisions. Acknowledged to be a psychoactive mushroom allegory. This is actually the 2nd edition; the first ten editions privately published by the author were really printings. Fine copy. $75
LUDLOW, Fitz Hugh. THE HASHEESH EATER. SF: Level Press & Fitz Hugh Ludlow Memorial Library [1975]. 4to, 224pp, 12 full-page illustrations by Satty, portraits, wrappers illus. by Satty and David Singer. *** Bio-Critical Edition, edited by Michael Horowitz, with rare reproductions from the Ludlow Library. This copy is signed by the late artist, Satty, and the editor. Indispensable for Ludlow scholars and enthusiasts. Small scratch in margin of front cover. $125
MACKEY, Kevin. THE CURE: RECOLLECTIONS OF AN ADDICT. Sydney: Angus & Robertson [1970]. 155pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. Reputed to be the first drug confession published in Australia, the imprisoned author describes the drug underworld of Sydney and Melbourne during the late '60s. Plastic protective wrapper has been glued in a few spots to the endpapers. $25 MANDEL, George. FLEE THE ANGRY STRANGERS. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill [1952]. 480pp, cloth, d/j (Salter design). *** 1st Ed. One of the more ambitious drug novels of the early '50s. The setting is Greenwich Village and the cast is large; the drugs are mainly marijuana and heroin. $100 McCLANAHAN, Ed. FAMOUS PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN. NY: FSG [1985]. Frontis., 196pp, half cloth, d/j (cover art by R. Crumb). *** 1st Ed. Memoirs of a former Merry Prankster; much on the '60s counterculture. $45 MILLER, Jimmy. THE BIG WIN. NY: Knopf [1969]. 241pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. Science-fiction novel, set in 1993, when hippies are sent to Venus to form a colony with its own LSD visions. The drug they use is called Viz-Nez, "which transformed the mind to anything, anywhere, while the body lay forgotten." $50 MOMADAY, N. Scott. HOUSE MADE OF DAWN. NY: Harper [1968]. 213pp, cloth-backed boards, d/j. *** 1st Ed. One of the finest novels ever written by a Native American, featuring a detailed description of a peyote ceremony. $150 MURAKAMI, Ryu. ALMOST TRANSPARENT BLUE. Tokyo: Kodansha [1977]. 127pp, cloth. d/j. *** 1st Ed. in English. Surreal novel about young Japanese junkies living near a U.S. Army base; some interactions with black G.I.s. Winner of a prestigious Japanese literary prize in 1976. $35 NAMAL, Chaman (ed.). DRUGS AND THE OTHER SELF. NY: Harper [1971]. 241, sm. pb wraps. *** 1st Ed.(not published hardback). Anthology of classics of drug literature, bearing an intriguing subtitle: "An Anthology of Spiritual Transformations." $35 PORTER, Joe Ashby. EELGRASS. [NY]: New Directions [1978]. 220pp, wraps. *** 1st ed. Hippie commune novel, set on an imaginary island in the Atlantic. $30 REED, Ray. MENDOCINO SINSEMILLA. Mendocino: Old Growth Press[1989]. 161pp, wraps. depicting dried manicured tops. *** 1st Ed, signed by the author. A novel about marijuana growing in the famous Pygmy Forest area of Mendocino County. Includes a glossary of "Mendo-lingo." $30 RICHMOND, Lee. HIGH ON GOLD. NY: Charterhouse [1972]. 421pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. A major novel of two eras: LSD and hashish-loving '60s dropouts, and adventurers searching for gold in 1848. Outstanding dust jacket art. $50 ROBINSON, Victor. AN ESSAY ON HASHEESH: HISTORICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL. NY: E. H. Ringer, 1925. 91pp, purple cloth. *** 2nd Ed., with a new introduction by the author recalling the varied reaction to the first edition of 1912. The first American work to take a relatively positive, upbeat and humorous perspective on the subject of cannabis intoxication. The publisher was the sister of the author, a distinguished medical historian. $60 ROSENKRANTZ, Linda. TALK. NY: Putnams [1968]. 223pp, cloth,. d/j. *** 1st Ed. A novel in the form of a trialogue between two women and a man, each a young, intellectual artistic New Yorker getting involved in marijuana, LSD and the sexual revolution. A tour-de-force. Light jacket wear. $45 ROSENTHAL, Irving. SHEEPER. NY: Grove, 1967. 304pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st ed. Novel of the post-Beat underground, part roman a clef, by the publisher of Big Table, featuring exceptionally strong writing about drug states. Jacket has a few small spots. $50 RUSSELL, Sanders. THE CHEMICAL IMAGE. [SF: Ark Press, 1947]. 28pp, stapled wrappers with hand-colored psychedelic drawing by the poet. *** 1st Ed. of a long visionary poem that is almost certainly the result of a peyote experience in the California desert, although the substance is not named ("The mind glows like a chemical flower/ triumphing into consciousness.") Russell edited the early Beat magazines, Experimental Review and The Ark. Laid in is a typescript poem, "Advice to Trade," one page, likely written by the poet. Rare and unusual. $50 SANDERS, Ed. SHARDS OF GOD. NY: Grove [1970].179pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. A self-described "novel of the Yippies," using real names and events to raise the Yippie myth to comic-heroic proportions. $45 SHARPLES, Anthony. THE SCORPION'S TAIL. NY: Taplinger [1976]. 194pp, cloth, d/j (price-clipped). *** 1st U.S. Ed. Memoir of a heroin user who also dabbed in acid during the '60s in London, and some smuggling ventures abroad. Crease to one inside jacket flap. $35 SOUTHERN Terry. RED DIRT MARIJUANA AND OTHER TASTES. NY: NAL [1967]. 246pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. Contains many of the author's classic stories and satires, including the title story and "The Blood of a Wig," perhaps the finest amphetamine story ever written. Slight edge wear to jacket. $65 THORP, Raymond. VIPER: THE CONFESSIONS OF A DRUG ADDICT. London: Hale [1956]. 192pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. Colorful account of a life of a young marijuana and heroin dealer in London in the postwar years. Classic jacket photograph of stoned-looking man with a joint in his mouth. Jacket worn at head and heel of spine but overall a near fine copy. $65 VAN VECHTEN, Carl. PETER WHIFFLE: His Life and Works. NY: Knopf [1922]. Linen cloth, marbled boards, dust jacket. *** 1st Ed. The author's first novel, a satire of the life of an aesthete patterned after himself. Mabel Dodge Luhan figures importantly. The protagonist describes his experiments with hashish, peyote, cocaine, and a root called "Napellus" that the alchemists used. Contemporary reviews pinned to back endpaper. Rare in dust jacket. $100 WALDMAN, Anne. BABY BREAKDOWN. NY: Bobbs-Merrill [1970]. 115pp, cloth,. d/j. *** 1st Ed. First book appearances of "13 Tanka In Praise of Smoking Dope" and other drug poems. $35
WALDMAN, Anne. FAST SPEAKING WOMAN. Detroit: Red Hanrahan Press [1974]. Fldg. frontispiece, 19pp, green wrappers, sewn. *** 1st Ed., limited to 500 numbered copies. Dedicated to Allen Ginsberg. "This poem-chant indebted to the Mazatec Indian Shamaness in Mexico guiding persons during sacred magic mushroom ceremony" (author's prefatory note). $75
WALDMAN. SHAMAN. Waban, MA: Munich Editions [1977]. Narrow oblong 8vo, [56]pp, wrappers. *** 1st Ed., one of 250 numbered copies. Written on the Rolling Thunder Revue tour, evoking Dylan and Ginsberg and the performer-as-shaman. $50 WATERS, T. A. THE PSYCHEDELIC SPY. NY: Lancer [1967]. 160pp, sm. pb wraps. *** 1st Ed. A spy caper, the hero ( Dr. L. S. Dee, an expert on all drugs), trying to stop a sinister figure from infiltrating the psychedelic movement with bad chemicals. $35 WELSH, Irving. ECSTASY: THREE TALES OF CHEMICAL ROMANCE. 276pp, wraps. *** 1st US. Ed., signed by the author. Welsh also wrote Transporting and The Acid House. $50 WILSON, Robert Anton & SHEA, Robert. ILLUMINATUS! Parts 1, 2 & 3. NY: Dell [1975]. 3 vols., sm. pb. wraps. *** 1st Ed. of one of the great "head" novels of the era. Prices blacked out, o/w fine copies. $50 ZELLERBACH, Merla. LOVE IN A DARK HOUSE. GC: Doubleday [1961]. 358pp, cloth, dust jacket. *** 1st Ed., inscribed by the author. The first novel in which an LSD experience figures importantly. The author attended Stanford when students participated in government-run LSD experiments there. $65
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