BRACKMAN, Jacob. THE PUT-ON: Modern Fooling and Modern Mistrust. Chicago: Regnery [1971]. 137pp, photos & drawings throughout, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed., Review Copy , with slip laid in. A study of the concept of the "put-on" as an important new form of communication. Warhol, Dylan and Stokeley Carmichael are drawn on heavily. Scarce title. $45
BULKLEY. THE GAME: TURN ON, TUNE IN, AND EXPLORE INNER SPACE. Laguna Beach: The Author, 1967. Large yellow sheet printed on one side, measuring 22 x 28 in. *** 1st Ed., large format issue. Includes instructions for playing, which is performed during or after a psychedelic session for the enlightenment of the trippers. There was another version printed as a 4pp pamphlet with a much smaller gameboard. $90 BURKS, John & HOPKINS, Jerry. GROUPIES AND OTHER GIRLS. NY: Bantam [1970]. 160pp, photographs, sm. pb wraps. *** 1st Ed (PBO). A Rolling Stone "special report" on the groupie phenomenon. Unusually fine. $45 [COHEN, Ira] THE HASHISH COOKBOOK by Panama Rose. [Tangier]: Gnaoua Press, 1966. 28pp, 2 old sepia photos, illus, wraps., stapled. *** 1st Ed. of the first cookbook entirely devoted to hashish and cannabis recipes. Includes Morocco Majoon, Bhang Sherbet, and Farouk's Dick. VF except for a small stain in upper margin of back wrapper. $85 COHEN, Stanley. FOLK DEVILS & MORAL PANICS: THE CREATION OF THE MODS AND ROCKERS. [St. Albans]: Paladin [1972]. 224pp, 8pp photo insert, wraps. *** 1st PB Ed. Analysis of UK subcultures (including drug users) and how society freaks out over rebellious youth. $30 (COUNTERCULTURE BIOGRAPHY). ACTON , J; LEMOND, R,. HODGES, P. MUG SHOTS: WHO'S WHO IN THE NEW EARTH. NY: World [1972]. 4to, 244pp, more than 200 photographs by Reanne Rubenstein, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed., HB Issue. The first and probably the best biographical dictionary of '60s counterculture figures. $50 (CULTIVATION TAPE). MARIJUANA GROWERS GUIDE [on tape cassette]. Shrinkwrapped with booklet. [Baltimore: Full Moon Inc., 1978.] *** The famous cultivation book by Frank and Rosenthal edited for a tape cassette production, including background music. Sophisticated and innovative for the time; now very scarce. $50
[DRAKE, William] THE CULTIVATOR'S HANDBOOK OF MARIJUANA. N.p.: The Tribe of Thumb, n.d. [c. 1970]. Oblong 8vo, 100 unnumbered pp. illus, with drawings, old engravings, underground cartoons, illus. wraps, stapled. *** 1st Ed. Rare. This is the first copy we've seen of the true first edition of Drake's popular work, anonymously published in a completely different format than the relatively common "revised first edition" published in Oregon in 1970. A few stains to the back wrapper. $60 ETHIOPIAN ZION COPTIC CHURCH. MARIJUANA AND THE BIBLE. Florida, n.d. (c. 1985). 4to, 38pp, wrappers illus. with photos and cannabis leaf decoration. *** 1st Ed. Scholarly study of the history of the religious use of marijuana in the West, with particular reference to the Bible, as well as India, China, Japan, Africa, the Mideast, etc. $50 FAIRFIELD, Richard (ed.). UTOPIA U.S.A. SF: Alternatives, 1972. 4to, 231pp, numerous b&w photos, wraps. *** 1st Ed. of one of a series of volumes collectively called "The Modern Utopian." The photographs are of hippies living in the better-known American communes. $45 FERGUSON, Marilyn. THE BRAIN REVOLUTION: The Frontiers of Mind Research. NY: Taplinger [1973]. 380pp, half cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. The first book by the author of the phenomenally successful Aquarian Conspiracy. One chapter deals with psychedelic drugs, another with opiates and other illicit drugs. $20 FOSS, Daniel. FREAK CULTURE: LIFE-STYLE AND POLITICS. NY: Dutton [1972]. 218pp., reprint of R. Crumb's "Whiteman" strip, cloth. *** 1st Ed. The mythos of the freak culture which gave birth to the Yippies. Lacks Jacket. $15
GARCIA, Jerry. GARCIA: THE ROLLING STONE INTERVIEW BY CHARLES REICH AND JANN WENNER PLUS A STONED SUNDAY RAP WITH JERRY...AND MOUNTAIN GIRL. [SF}: Straight Arrow [1972]. 256pp, phto-illus, gilt-stamped leather, d/j. *** 1st Ed., signed by Mountain Girl's three daughters by Kesey (Sunshine Kesey) and Garcia (Trixie and Annabelle Garcia). Accompanied by a copy of Rolling Stone #100, containing Pt. I of the Garcia interview, and an article on the three daughters on the occasion of their joint art exhibition in 1998. $150 [GASKIN, Stephen]. MONDAY NIGHT CLASS. [Santa Rosa: Book Farm, 1970]. [78]pp. printed in purple ink, 8 full-page photos, wraps. 1st Ed. (of 4). Gaskin's first book, containing his talks (much on LSD) at the Family Dog in San Francisco that established him as an authentic American spiritual teacher. $100 [GASKIN]. THE CARAVAN. NY & Berkeley: Random House & Bookworks [1972]. [250]pp, cloth, photo-illus, d/j (price-clipped). *** 1st Ed., HB Issue, limited to 2,500 copies. Account of the bus migration from San Francisco to Tennessee, where Gaskin and his group established the most famous and long-lived rural commune in the country. Colorful mandala pasted to front cover and repeated on the jacket, which is a little scuffed with a small stain at the lower edge, stamp on endpaper. $50 GASKIN, Stephen. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE U.S. Oct. Term, 1973. Stephen Gaskin, et al, Appellants versus State of Tennessee. 74pp incl. 15pp of photos. Together with: THE GRASS CASE. 74 + 38pp. Both in wrappers, the first with a cannabis leaf superimposed over the legal cover, the second with a more elaborate cannabis design in red, green and blue, stapled. Summertown, TN: The Farm, 1973-74. *** 1st and 2nd Eds., the second adding the motion to dismiss, reply brief, sentencing, newspaper clippings re: the trial, and a letter from Stephen in prison. The spiritual leader of the most famous rural commune of the hippie era and still active, Stephen Gaskin with three others was early on arrested for growing cannabis and sentenced to three years in state prison. $125 [GINSBERG, Allen] "On the Arrest of Abbie Hoffman" in The Realist (June 1973: special subscriber-only issue), a spirited defense by the Beat poet of the Yippie activist's cocaine bust. $25 GOLOWIN, Sergius.HEXEN,HIPPIES,ROSENKREUZER: 500 JAHREN MAGISCHE MORGEN- LANDFAHRT. Ed. Wolfgang Bauer. Hamburg: Merlin [1981]. 304pp, cloth, illus, dust jacket with Hans Giger cover art. *** 2nd Ed. Places the Beats and Hippies in the magikal tradition. $25 GRABOI, Nina. ONE FOOT IN THE FUTURE. A Women's Spiritual Journey. [Santa Cruz]: Aerial Press [1994]. 360pp, illus., wraps. *** 1st Ed., signed by the author. The remarkable autobiography of a Viennese-born woman who survived Nazi death camps to become manager of Leary's Center for the League of Spiritual Discovery and one of the most inspirational figures of the psychedelic movement. $35
GROSS, Henry. THE FLOWER PEOPLE. NY: Ballantine [1968]. Small pb, 180pp, 16pp photo insert ("The East Village") by Lawrence Shustak. *** 1st Ed. (PBO). Superb photos of hippies hanging out, smoking dope or balling. Sympathetic account, with interviews. Vintage cover. $35
183pp, 50 photo-illus. by Fred McDarrah, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. One of the
best accounts of the emergence of the NY East Village underground art scene
and hippie culture, with exceptional photographs. Light wear top edge of
jacket spine. $50
GUINESS, Os. THE DUST OF DEATH. Downers (!) Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press [1973]. Thick 12mo, 419pp, wrappers. *** 1st Ed., 2nd Ptg. Contains a 40pp section, "The Counterfeit Infinity," wherein the author examines at length the value of claims by Huxley, Leary, Watts, Pahnke, et al. that psychedelics provide a religious experience. $20 HABICHT, Frank. YOUNG LONDON: PERMISSIVE PARADISE. London: Harrap [1969]. Large 4to, 112pp mostly of b&w photos, cloth. *** 1st Ed., lacking dust jacket. Remarkable collection of photos of London in the "swinging sixties"era, with the emphasis on outrageous fashion statements including near nudity. $100 HASSAN-I-SABBAH [pseud.] LEAVES OF GRASS: A Compendium of Marijuana. Brighton: Unicorn Bookshop [1971]. 4to, 32pp. illus. with old engravings, wraps, stapled. *** 1st Ed., printed from typescript. A hip primer, with quotes from the classic writings, descriptions of effects, cultivation, recipes, etc. Green wrappers faded along edges, lower front cover spotted. Not published in U.S. $45
HEWSON, Robert. TOO MUCH: ART AND SOCIETY IN THE SIXTIES 1960-75. NY: Oxford [1987]. 350pp,, 8pp of photos, cloth, d/j. *** 1st U.S. Ed. "The first full account of the revolution in the arts which took place in Britain between 1960 and 1975." $30 [HOFFMAN, Abbie] REVOLUTION FOR THE HELL OF IT. By Free. NY: Dial Press [1968]. 231pp, photos & other illus., boards, d/j. *** 1st Ed., HB Issue, inscribed "Join the Conspiracy. Abbie." Rare hardback ed. of the author's first regularly published book. Very good in a somewhat worn and lightly soiled jacket. $300
HOFFMAN. STEAL THIS BOOK. NY: Pirate Editions [1971]. 318pp, illus., sm. pb wraps. *** 1st Ed., 2nd Issue (index added; zebra logo), inscribed: "To ---, Anything you ever want stolen just name it. Abbie, 1971." The best known of the Yippie activist's many books. $250
-----THE "STEAL YOURSELF RICH" BOOK. [E. Orange, NJ: Timely Press, Inc., n.d.]. Orange wraps printed in black. "Privately Printed Special Edition" with publisher's promotional folded sheet laid in, calling this the most subversive book ever written and refusing to name the author (though his name appears on the title-page). this edition appears to be a piracy but if so they violated the spirit of the book by pricing it $7.95 compared to $1.95 for the original. Orange spine faded else very fine. $50 HOFMANN; RUBIN, Jerry; Sanders, Ed. VOTE! NY: Warner [1972}. 240pp, 32pp of photo inserts, sm. pb wraps. *** 1st Ed. (PBO) The Yippie version of the 1972 Republican Convention that put Nixon up for re-election. $35
HOFFMAN. SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE. Intro. Norman Mailer. NY: Grosset & Dunlap [1980]. 321pp, wraps. *** Uncorrected Proof Copy. Cream wrappers faintly dust-soiled. $150
HOFFMAN. SQUARE DANCING IN THE ICE AGE: Underground Writings. NY: Putnam [1982]. 242pp, half cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed., Advance Review Copy, with author photo and promotional literature laid in. Inscribed "To ---, Welcome to the Great St. Lawrence River War/ Abbie Hoffman & Barry Freed." The latter name refers to the alias Hoffman used as an environmental activist in Canada while a fugitive from a cocaine conviction in the U.S. $250 HUNTER, Robert. THE STORMING OF THE MIND. [Toronto]: McCelland & Stewart [1971]. 233pp, photo wraps portraying a hippie on acid. *** 1st Ed. (preceding the U.S. ed., which added the subtitle, "Inside the Consciousness Revolution"). One of the best early studies of the North American counterculture. The author later became a leader of Greenpeace. $50 KATZ, Elia. ARMED LOVE. NY: HR&W [1971]. 216pp, cloth, dust jacket. *** 1st Ed., inscribed by the author. Powerful memoir of commune tripping (in every sense of the word) from coast to coast at the end of the '60s. $40 (KESEY, Ken) THE LAST SUPPLEMENT TO THE WHOLE EARTH CATALOG. Menlo Park, March 1971. 128pp, illus., color cartoon cover by R. Crumb. *** 1st Ptg. Four significant contributions by Kesey, including his takes on many of his counterculture contemporaries. Crumb's cover, a '60s style Last Supper, is one of his greatest drawings. $35 KESEY. KESEY'S GARAGE SALE. Introduction by Arthur Miller. NY: Viking Press [1973]. 4to, 238pp, illustrated throughout, photographic wrappers. *** 1st Ed., Trade PB Issue. A kind of Merry Prankster newsreel movie, with contributions by Cassady, Ginsberg, Krassner and Wavy Gravy. Some material reprinted but mostly original texts. $30 KESEY. DEMON BOX. [NY]: Viking [1986]. 384pp, half cloth, dust jacket. *** 1st Ed., inscribed "what a long strange trip it's been" etc. Autobiographical writings going back twenty years, with much on the '60s, drugs, and his problems with the law. $125 KORNBLUTH, Jesse (ed.). NOTES FROM THE NEW UNDERGROUND. NY: Viking [1968]. 302pp, cloth, dust jacket. *** 1st Ed. of one of the key anthologies of counterculture thought and writing. Includes all the major Beats, the Beatles, Tom Robbins, Tim Leary, the communications company, et al. Tiny nick in jacket $60 KRASSNER, Paul. IMPOLITE INTERVIEWS. NY: Lyle Stuart [1961]. 208pp, orange boards, d/j. *** 1st Ed. of the first book by the founder of The Realist, where these interviews first appeared. Among the interviewees: Lenny Bruce, Alan Watts, Hugh Hefner, Jules Pfeiffer, Krassner himself. Pages lightly browned along edges, as always. $50 KRASSNER, Paul. MY ACID TRIP WITH GROUCHO MARX. [NY: Blue Angel, 1982]. 16mo (7 x 4-1/4 in.), wraps, stapled. *** 1st Separate Ptg. of an article that first appeared in High Times. The rarest of Krassner's works. $75 KUPFERBERG, Tuli. 1001 WAYS TO LIVE WITHOUT WORKING. NY: Birth Press 1961. Tall, narrow 8vo (11 x 4 in.), wrappers, stapled. *** 1st Ed. One of the scarcest publications of the author's Birth Press, which specialized in weird formats. Beat humorist Kupferberg became better known as a rock star with the Fugs. $50 KUPFERBERG. THE BOOK OF THE BODY. NY: Birth Press, n.d. [c. 1964]. Oblong 18mo (4-1/4 x 5-1/2 in.) , [30]pp, illus. throughout, wraps, stapled. *** 1st Ed. Amusing visual-textual satire on the Sexual Revolution. $30
LABIN, Suzanne. HIPPIES, DRUGS AND PROMISCUITY. New Rochelle: Arlington House [1973]. 8vo, 264pp, boards, dust jacket. *** 1st Ed. in English. A book-length diatribe against the hippie-psychedelic menace by a world-travelling French journalist, filled with wonderful facts : "There is a love filter called "Lace" (from its components Lysergic Acid Ethylene).... While the FDA had doubts as to its erotic power, the hippies assure us that "Lace" penetrated the skin; just spray a little on the object of your choice, and she will undress as quickly as possible and make love." Some edge-wear to jacket. $35 MALONE, Michael E. & ROBERTS, Myron. FROM POP TO CULTURE. NY: HR&W [1971]. Thick 12mo, 498pp, wrappers. *** 1st Ed. Hip textbook anthology published for a new generation of students, with chapters on sex, drugs, mysticism, the generation gap, etc. $15
(McCLURE) REYNOLDS, Frank. FREEWHEELIN FRANK: SECRETARY OF THE ANGELS. As told to Michael McClure. NY: Grove [1967]. 12mo, 160pp, cloth, dust jacket *** 1st Ed., inscribed by McClure on the title-page. "The first book about the Hell's Angels by a Hell's Angel." Reynolds got turned on to LSD and hung out with the Bay Area Beat and Hippie crowd. $75
MEZZROW, Mezz & WOLFE, Bernard. REALLY THE BLUES. NY: Random House [1946]. 388pp, cloth. *** 1st Ed., signed by Mezzrow (as Milton "Mezz" Mezzrow) and Wolfe. Very fine copy, lacking the dust jacket. Highly entertaining autobiography of the jazz great and dope aficionado. Like Owsley after him, Mezzrow is one of those legends whose very name was linked to a quality drug experience (a stick of superior weed used to be called "the mighty mezz"). $200 (NARCOTICS AGENTS) ANSLINGER, Harry J. THE MURDERERS: THE STORY OF THE NARCOTIC GANGS. NY: FS&C [1961]. 308pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. Mafia figures, dope-writing MDs, Hollywood druggies, the first dope-sniffing dog and other lurid tales by America's Number One Narc. Pages browned as usual, edge-wear to jacket. $45 (NARCOTICS AGENTS) KELLY, Jack. ON THE STREET. With Richard Mathison. Chicago: Regnery [1974]. 253pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed., sgd. by the author. Insider account of the pre-DEA days by an undercover narc who had a legendary rep for toughness. $30 (NARCOTICS AGENTS) ST. CYR, Sylvester. THE SAINT AND SINNERS. NY: Vantage Press [1972]. 158pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st ed. Memoir of a black undercover narcotics agent working the New Orleans beat. from the late '50s through the '60s. Apparently the only such work by a black writer. $40 NELSON, Fred & McCLANAHAN, Ed (eds.). ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE CORNBREAD. GC: Doubleday [1973]. 231pp, wrappers. *** 1st Ed. An anthology of writings originally appearing in Free You, the magazine of the Mid-penisula Free University, between 1968 and 1970. Virtually a Merry Prankster anthology, containing work by Kesey, Vik Lovell ("The Perry Lane Papers"), Gurney Norman, Robert Stone (with the fugitive Kesey in Mexico), with contributions by Wendell Berry. Unaccountably scarce. $100 NEVILLE, Richard. PLAY POWER: Exploring the International Underground. NY: Random House [1970]. 325pp, cloth, d/j. *** 1st U.S. Ed. One of the best of the early surveys, written from an insider perspective, by the founder of the legendary 'zine Oz. $45 NUTTALL, Jeff. BOMB CULTURE. [London]: MacGibbon & Key [1968]. 262pp, boards, d/j. *** 1st Ed. Highly-regarded study of the links between subcultures: Pop, Protest, Art, Sick and the Underground. Not published in the U.S. $75 OTT, Jonathan. THE CACAHUATL EATER: RUMINATIONS OF AN UNABASHED CHOCOLATE ADDICT. Vashon, WA: Natural Products Co., 1985. 120pp, photo-illus, wraps. *** 1st Ed., Trade PB Issue. "The only book to treat chocolate first and foremost as a drug, and to suggest the chemical basis for the chocolate habit" (cover blurb). Includes photos of the author with Hofmann and Schultes. $25 RAM DASS/ALPERT, Richard & Others. SEED. [NY: Harmony Books, 1973]. [256]pp and 120pp of illustrations on stiff paper, decorated wrappers. *** 1st Ed. A remarkable piece of book production from Lama Foundation in New Mexico, co-edited by Ram Dass who also wrote the introduction. The illustrations are a compilation of spiritually-oriented images and quotations in a highly unusual format, featuring 480 photographs printed on heavy stock four to a page with perforations for cutting out and using as an I Ching type game. $125 REICH, Charles A. THE GREENING OF AMERICA. NY: Random House [1970]. 399pp, cloth, dust jacket. *** 1st Ed.,1st State of the jacket, with the title lettering in red rather than the familiar green of the reprints. One of the most influential counterculture books of the era, reprinted numerous times. Rarely encountered in the first state jacket. $40 ROMM, Ethel G. THE OPEN CONSPIRACY. [NY}: Avon [1971]. Oblong 8vo, 256pp, profusely illus, wraps. *** 1st PB Ed. Documentary account of the rise of the '60s counterculture, particularly the socio-political aspects, drawing heavily on the writers and cartoonists of the underground press. A scarce book due to its unusual format. $35
RUBIN, Jerry. DO IT! SCENARIOS OF THE REVOLUTION. Intro. Eldridge Cleaver. NY: S&S [1970]. Tall, narrow 8vo, wraps. *** Advance Uncorrected Proof Copy. Several pages have corrections in the author's hand; many others have editorial markings. Cover and title leaf detached but present; backstrip missing, wrappers soiled. $175
(SPORTS & DRUGS) THE PROS SAY "IT'S O.K. TO SAY NO TO DRUGS" ACTIVITY BOOK. NY: Playmore [1986]. 4to, 48pp., color wraps. *** 1st Ed. 35 major league baseball players (pictured in drawings) warn kids about drugs. Cartoons, puzzles, etc. on drug themes. $30 (SPORTS & DRUGS) HOWE, Steve. BETWEEN THE LINES: One Athlete's Struggle to Escape the Nightmare of Addiction. [Grand Rapids]: Masters Press [1989]. 278pp, 8pp of photos, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed., signed by the author. Baseball's finest left-handed reliever of his era was also the sport's biggest cocaine user. Spine lean, o/w fine. $45 (SPORTS & DRUGS) LEE, Bill. THE WRONG STUFF. NY: Viking [1984]. 242pp, half cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. The Red Sox and Expos pitcher was the zaniest player in baseball during most of his career, and graced the cover of High Times for coming out as a pot smoker. $40 (SPORTS & DRUGS) MEGGYESY, Dave. OUT OF THEIR LEAGUE. Berkeley: Ramparts Press, 1970. 263pp, 16pp of photos, cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. Autobiography of a professional football player who became radicalized and was hassled by FBI. One of the first insider accounts of drug use in professional sports. $40 (SPORTS & DRUGS) SCOTT, Jack. THE ATHLETIC REVOLUTION. NY: The Free Press [1971]. 242pp, photo-illus., cloth, d/j (price-clipped). *** 1st Ed. On the political radicalization of the American athlete. Author was later investigated by the FBI for harboring fugitive Patty Hearst. One chapter on drugs in sports. $30 (SPORTS & DRUGS) SCOTT. BILL WALTON: On the Road with the Portland Trail Blazers. NY: Crowell [1976]. 294pp, 16pp of photos, half cloth, d/j. *** 1st Ed. Deadhead and basketball great, Walton was the most politically radical star athlete of his era; his mentor Scott was a leading sports radical. [THOMPSON, Hunter S.] DUKE, Raoul [pseud.] "Fear and Loathing in Miami Beach" in Rolling Stone, no. 115 (Aug. 1972). Illus. by Ralph Steadman. *** 1st Appearance in Print of a substantial portion of Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72, published the following year. Also, "Cocaine Through the Ages" by Charles Perry. A bit of cover soiling, o/w fine. $20 [TODD, Larry S.] DR. ATOMIC'S MARIJUANA MULTIPLIER. [SF: Kistone Press 1974.] 16pp, illus. throughout by the author. *** 1st Ed. Cartoon guide to increasing potency of cannabis. Dr. Atomic was a kind of Mr. Natural of the Drug Lab. $25 TODD. Instructions (in shape of dollar bill) printed on both sides with cartoon illustrations for the brass "Proto Pipe." Cotati: Proto Plant, 1979. *** Detailed directions on revolutionary technology of this pipe. Rare. $20 VELLI, Michael. MANUAL FOR REVOLUTIONARY LEADERS. Ed. Lorraine & Freddy Perlman. Detroit: Black & Red, 1972. 261pp, illus. in color and b&w, illus. gold wraps. *** 1st Ed. "The aim of this manual is to apply the modern model of revolution to conditions of highly developed productive forces." Surprisingly psychedelic color and designs for a book such as this; references to hallucinatory drugs. Very scarce. $35 WATTS, Alan . BEAT ZEN, SQUARE ZEN AND ZEN. [SF]: City Lights Books [1959]. 16mo, 25pp, wrappers printed in black & red. *** 1st Ed. in book form. An influential essay, with references to marijuana and peyote as means to satori. $35
WAVY GRAVY [pseud. of Hugh Romney] THE HOG FARM AND FRIENDS. Foreword by Ken Kesey. NY/ London: Links [1974]. Tall narrow 8vo, 195pp, illustrated throughout including photos of 80 members of the Hog Farm commune, wrappers designed by Rick Griffin. *** 1st Ed., inscribed by the author with both his real name and his memorable pseudonym. The history of one of the truly legendary hippie communes, still going strong thirty years later. Some cover wear. $125
[WAVY GRAVY]. "The Hog Farm" in The Realist (Nov.-Dec. 1969). *** Lengthy account, published five years before the book. $20 WAVY GRAVY. SOMETHING GOOD FOR A CHANGE: Random Notes on Peace Thru Living. NY: St. Martin's Press [1992]. 243pp, boards, dust jacket. *** 1st Ed., inscribed on title, with author's trademark maze drawn on facing page. Impressionistic autobiography of the counterculture's most colorful character. $40 WEBERMAN, A. J. MY LIFE IN GARBOLOGY. NY: Stonehill [1980]. 159pp, photo-documentation, boards, d/j. *** 1st Ed. The author, associated with the Yippies, went through '60s celebrities' garbage and here publishes the results. Quite a few sued him, from the Watergate burglars to Bob Dylan. An uncommon title. $30 WILLIS, Paul E. PROFANE CULTURE. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul [1978]. 212pp, boards, d/j. *** 1st Ed. An examination of the British subcultures of bikers, hippies, and drug experimenters. Not published in the U.S. $35 WILSON. COSMIC TRIGGER: FINAL SECRET OF THE ILLUMINATI. Illus. John Thompson. Berkeley: And/ Or [1977]. *** 1st Ed., 2nd Ptg., inscribed by the author. Wilson's autobiographical work contains all the themes that launched his reputation as a major counterculture writer. $50 WILSON. COSMIC TRIGGER II: DOWN TO EARTH. Scottsdale, AZ: New Falcon [1991]. 256pp, gilt leather. *** 1st Ed., Limited HB Issue, one of 500 numbered copies. A collection of short essays written during the 1980s and imbued with the author's psychedelicized perspective. Wilson's only limited edition among his many books. $60 WILSON. RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE SITTING NOW: FURTHER TALES OF THE ILLUMINATI. Berkeley: And/ Or [1982]. 207pp, a dozen full-page drawings by Matt Gouig, wraps. *** 1st Ed., inscribed by the author with a short comic poem. Much on psychedelic drugs and Leary. $45
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